Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Requote: Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen organised crime & illegal possession of Protasco control collapse

Draft 5 July 2015. Modified 2 October 2015

Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen Criminal Organization Collapse

The true motives and moda operandi of a slued corporate criminal, one Chong Ket Pen, has been reveal and collapse when one of Chong inspired illegal crime operation get caught pants down. (ref: Syndicated Scam - A Chong Ket Pen Testimony ). His days are numbered with authorities bringing down his money siphoning operation, with the abuse of public listed company Protasco resources to feed his personal greed.

Once upon a faithful servant
Story of how this public servant turn his back against his bosses and investors and cheated their shares and control of the public listed company Protasco Bhd is not new in corporate world. His lies are well known in capital market as well as government bodies and regulators, despite Chong attempt to abuse news media to cover up his public relation conspiracy, at the same time, bad mouth and paint perception on his victims, the savior of the company and the hands who saved him. According to top guns in Malaysia business community, Chong could have possessed the company elegantly if he would have consulted his bosses or simply engage professional investment bankers to fund his acquisition and divest his investments through capital and asset restructuring. Unfortunately, this civil engineer and public servant is not finance competence, yet shy and selfish. If anything is to blame, his pride and selfishness consumed his soul and conveniently turned evil, the natural course of the formation of organization crime. Chong is surrounded by incapable advisers and lunatics who wants his fees, which leads him to bigger problems, an annihilation of himself, the company and his legacies.

According to Wikipedia, organized crime is a category of transnational, national, or local groupings of highly centralized enterprises run by criminals, who intend to engage in illegal activity, most commonly for money and profit. Some criminal organizations, such as terrorist groups, are politically motivated. Sometimes criminal organizations force people to do business with them, such as when a gang extorts money from shopkeepers for so-called "protection". Gangs may become disciplined enough to be considered organized. A criminal organization or gang can also be referred to as a mafia, mob, or crime syndicate; the network, subculture and community of criminals may be referred to as the underworld.

Other organizations—including states, militaries, police forces, and corporations—may sometimes use organized crime methods to conduct their business, but their powers derive from their status as formal social institutions. There is a tendency to distinguish organized crime from other forms of crimes, such as, white-collar crime, financial crimes, political crimes, war crime, state crimes, and treason. This distinction is not always apparent and the academic debate is ongoing.

Dato Sri Chong Ket Pen does it all. Chong "the unfaithful servant" stolen the company Protasco Bhd from his bosses and investors, and hired lawyers and other cronies, together with his sons and close associates to control the money siphoning operations, a formal grouping of highly centralized enterprises run by criminals, who intend to engage in illegal activity, most commonly for money and profit. Chong's syndicate induced investors to invest in Protasco shares, fabricated a blame for cover up and instigated the network of organized criminal activities to sabotage his victims business activities, including blackmail and bribery of authorities, financially supported all kinds of corporate crime, abuse of public listed company resources, hire of public relation in facilitating his criminal activities, with the motives of inducement of new investors and business partners to fulfill his conspiracy. Foolish enough, Chong Ket Pen even attempted to pull a string to "buy over" old retired policemen through an investment or a business scam, busted by relevant counter surveillance authority (ref: Chong Ket Pen Scam to con Police - Protasco Case Collapse )

Protasco Bhd, once a highly professionally ran business under healthy corporate governance with the oversight board controlled by his x bosses, unfortunately is now a father and son criminal organization. Chong which could have lost his shares and job as the CEO of the company back in year 2012, was already standby with an Australia passport and whole family members ready to flee the country when sky falls. When Chong cheated and possessed the control of Protasco, he planted his sons Kenny Chong and Denny Chong into key money spinner business units to facilitate his possession of the company. Such widely abused of public listed company have caught the authorities attention, where Chong's legacies in illegal business conduct lead to an up coming disastrous, Chong knew it's coming despite ignorance.What is coming his way? Only Chong himself can answer. Prepare for a blood bath Armageddon.